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Become a sponsor and support the achievements of outstanding piano students!
Please consider supporting MAPTA with a financial contribution. Donations of any amount are appreciated.
Advertising Rates: Ads will appear in the programs for the Auditions' Honor Recital and at Mount Mary University on Auditions Day.
* Business card 3.5" X 2" $20.00
* Quarter Page 5" X 2" 30.00
* Half page ad 5" X 4" 40.00
* Whole page 5" X 8" 70.00
Use the form below and check "Advertise." Ads will be in the programs for the Auditions' Honor Recital.
Sponsor an Award in the MAPTA Competitive Auditions:
Levels 7-8 $60, $50 & $40
Levels 9-11 $80, $70, & $60
Levels 12-14 $150, $100 & $75
Use the form below and check the box for "Underwrite a Competitive Award."
Make a contribution of any amount and be listed with the "Friends of MAPTA."
Use the form below and check the box for "Friends of MAPTA." Donations of any amount are appreciated. You may choose to be anonymous or be included in the list of Friends of MAPTA.
MAPTA Ad & Contribution Form
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