There are many benefits in becoming a member. MAPTA sponsors piano auditions, composition contest and recitals for students and educational programs and social activities for teacher members. By joining MAPTA, teachers become members of the Wisconsin Federation of Music Clubs and may enter their students in the Junior Festival and the Junior Composition Contests as well as purchasing affordable insurance for studio recitals.
MEETINGS - MAPTA meets three times each year in September/October, January and April. Two of these meetings are followed by an educational program for teachers. Past presenters have included Wynn-Anne Rossi, Cathy Albergo, Elizabeth Gutierrez, Carol Kolse, Elvina Truman Pearce, Dallas Weekley & Nancy Arganbright, Bruce Berr, Jeffrey Hollaner, Joyce Grill, Robert Vandall, and Peggy Ottwell. MAPTA is committed to continuing these fine programs.
MAPTA Young Artist Competition and the Honors and Trophy Track auditions are usually held in early March. Please see details listed on the Audition pages.
Compostion Contest entries are due with Audition entries in January. Please see details listed on the Audtion pages.
The Summer Music Festival offers a goal to keep piano studying and practicing during June and July and they receive a tangible memory.
DUES are $30.00.
Questions? Email
Membership Application Form for NEW members and not for renewing membership.
DUES RENEWAL FORM can be found on the "Forms Page."